How to Clean Dishwasher

Your dishwasher is a trusty kitchen companion, tirelessly cleaning your dishes and making your life easier. However, like any appliance, it needs a little care and maintenance to ensure it functions at its best. Over time, food particles, soap scum, and mineral deposits can accumulate in your dishwasher, leading to unpleasant odors and less effective cleaning. In this blog, Bear Brothers Cleaning will walk you through the steps to keep your dishwasher sparkling clean, odor-free, and operating efficiently.

How to Clean a Dishwasher: Materials Needed

Before you begin, make sure you have the following supplies on hand:

  • White vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • A soft-bristle brush or toothbrush
  • A microfiber cloth or sponge
  • A dishwasher-safe bowl or cup

materials needed to Clean Dishwasher

How to Clean Dishwasher 

Step 1: Clean the Filter

Most dishwashers have a filter that traps food particles. This filter needs regular cleaning to maintain proper drainage and prevent clogs. Here’s how:

  1. Consult your dishwasher’s manual to locate and access the filter.
  2. Remove the filter carefully, being mindful of any clips or screws holding it in place.
  3. Rinse the filter under warm running water, scrubbing it with a soft brush or toothbrush to remove debris.
  4. Once clean, reinsert the filter, securing it properly.

Step 2: Wipe Down the Dishwasher Interior

To clean the interior of your dishwasher:

  1. Empty the dishwasher and remove the lower rack.
  2. Use a microfiber cloth or sponge and warm, soapy water to wipe down the interior walls, racks, and the door. Pay special attention to any areas with built-up grime.

wiping down Dishwasher

Step 3: Deodorize with Baking Soda

Baking soda is a natural deodorizer and an excellent option for neutralizing odors in your dishwasher:

  1. Sprinkle a cup of baking soda across the bottom of the dishwasher.
  2. Run a short, hot water cycle with no dishes in the machine. It will help distribute the baking soda and remove any lingering odors.

Step 4: Remove Mineral Deposits with Vinegar

Mineral deposits can accumulate in the dishwasher’s spray arms and around the door. Vinegar can help break down and remove these deposits:

  1. Place a dishwasher-safe bowl or cup filled with white vinegar on the top rack of the dishwasher.
  2. Run a hot water cycle with the vinegar-filled container inside. The vinegar will help dissolve mineral deposits and leave your dishwasher smelling fresh.

Step 5: Clean the Dishwasher Exterior

Don’t forget the exterior of your dishwasher:

  1. Use a mixture of warm, soapy water to clean the control panel and buttons. Be cautious not to flood the control area.
  2. Wipe down the door, handles, and any other exterior surfaces.

How to Clean Dishwasher exterior

Step 6: Regular Maintenance

To keep your dishwasher in top condition, perform these maintenance tasks periodically:

  • Check and clean the rubber gasket around the dishwasher door for any food particles or residue.
  • Inspect the spray arms for clogs and clean them as needed.
  • Ensure your water softener is functioning correctly to prevent mineral buildup.

How to Clean Dishwasher

Ready to Clean the Dishwasher?

A clean dishwasher improves your appliance’s efficiency and ensures your 

dishes shine. Regular maintenance and cleaning can extend the life of your dishwasher and help you avoid unpleasant odors and subpar cleaning performance. Following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll enjoy a cleaner, fresher, and more efficient dishwasher in your kitchen.


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