What is the Best Time To Clean a House

Ever wonder when the best time is to tackle cleaning your house? As it turns out, the time of day you choose to whip out the duster and vacuum can have a big impact on how quickly and efficiently you get the job done. You’re probably tempted to clean whenever you have a spare moment, but that might not be the most strategic approach. So when is the best time to transform your space into a sparkling oasis? Read on to find out how Bear Brothers Cleaning can help you make the most of your cleaning schedule.

Early Morning: Best Time to Clean High-Traffic Areas

The early morning hours are the perfect time to tackle high-traffic areas in your home. Everyone has already woken up and started their day, so you won’t have to worry about disturbing anyone or having extra feet tracking in the dirt while you work.

Start with the entryways. Give your front porch, doorway, and foyer a good sweep or mop to remove any debris from the night before. Wipe down door handles and railings too while you’re at it.

What is the Best Time To Clean a House


Next, hit the living room and any main hallways. Plump pillows, do a quick vacuum and grab any stray dishes or glasses that need to be put in the kitchen. A clutter-free space will make the whole house feel clean.

Don’t forget the bathroom! Empty the trash, wipe counters, clean the mirror, mop the floor, and scrub the toilet. Replace any damp towels with fresh ones and restock toilet paper.

The kitchen is a big job, so tackle it systematically. Do a sweep of dirty dishes into the dishwasher and get it started. Wipe down appliances inside and out. Mop or sweep and then do a final wipe down of the counters and the table.

Late Morning: Best Time for Mopping and Vacuuming

Late morning is the perfect time for mopping, vacuuming, and general cleaning when energy levels are up but before the day gets too hot.

Do the vacuuming first.

Start with the carpets and rugs, using strong suction to pick up dirt and debris. Empty the vacuum and change bags or filters regularly for maximum efficiency. Hard floors are next. Vacuum or sweep thoroughly, getting into corners and along edges.

Mopping comes after vacuuming.

Fill a bucket with hot, clean water and a floor cleaner or detergent. Dip in a mop and wring out well. Mop floors using a figure-eight motion, rinsing the mop head frequently in the bucket. Change the water if it gets too dirty.

best time to clean a house

Don’t forget the fans and vents.

Use the hose or brush attachment on your vacuum to remove built-up dust from ceiling fans, vents, baseboards, and radiators. Cleaning the fans and vents improves circulation and prevents the spread of allergens in your home.

Do a quick wipe-down.

With your cleaning momentum going, do a speedy wipe-down of surfaces like tables, counters, cabinets, mirrors, and appliances. Use an all-purpose cleaner or disinfectant and either microfiber cloths or paper towels.

Take out the trash.

Don’t forget to empty small wastebaskets from rooms into your main kitchen trash and recycling bins. Take the trash outside if pickup is that day. A clean house feels even better without overflowing garbage cans!

Early Afternoon: Best Time for Bathrooms and Kitchen

The early afternoon, typically between 1 to 3 pm, is an ideal time to tackle cleaning bathrooms and kitchens. By this time of day, any morning rush has died down and you’ll have more time and mental space to devote to these important and often time-consuming chores.


Start by wiping down countertops and cabinets to remove any dust or splatters. Clean mirrors and fixtures with a multi-surface cleaner or glass cleaner and paper towels or microfiber cloth. For stubborn hard water stains in sinks or tubs, use a commercial limescale remover or scrub with baking soda.

Scrub toilets inside and out, including bowls, seats, bases, and handles. Mop or wipe flooring with a disinfectant or all-purpose cleaner. Don’t forget to empty the trash, wipe dispensers, and restock toilet paper. For extra disinfection, consider using disposable wipes on commonly touched surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, and faucets.


In the kitchen, wipe down appliances like microwaves, ovens, and stovetops as well as counters and cabinets. For stuck-on grease and grime, use a degreaser spray. Clean the sink, empty the dishwasher, and wash any dirty dishes. Mop or sweep and mop the floor.

Take out the trash and recycle and replace liners. Clean small appliances like blenders, food processors or stand mixers and restock items like paper towels. For an extra deep clean, pull out the refrigerator and stove to clean behind and underneath them.

best time to clean a house

Late Afternoon: Best Time for Dusting and Organizing

The late afternoon, around 3 to 5 p.m., is an ideal time for dusting and organizing your home. By this time of day, the sun is lowering in the sky, so there’s less glare coming through the windows, making it easier to spot dust and grime. The soft, natural lighting also helps create a cozy ambiance that sparks motivation for tidying up and organizing.


Tackle dusting shelves, baseboards, windowsills, and any knickknacks. Use a microfiber duster, dusting wand, or dusting spray for hard-to-reach areas. Be methodical and work from top to bottom. For stubborn built-up dust, you may need to use a damp rag or multi-surface cleaner. Pay extra attention to electronics like TVs, computer monitors, and gaming consoles which can build up a lot of dust over time. Keeping these clean improves functionality and prevents overheating.


The late afternoon is also an optimal time for decluttering and organizing your living space. Go room by room and purge unnecessary items, file away or store out-of-season clothing and linens, and group together items that tend to get scattered like bills, mail, toys, and tech accessories. A tidy, organized home will make you feel less stressed and overwhelmed. Get into the habit of doing quick decluttering and organizing sessions a few times a week to stay on top of things.

Reorganizing furniture

If your living room layout has started to feel stale, the late afternoon is a great time for rearranging furniture. Push couches, chairs, tables, and accent furniture into a new configuration to create a fresh cozy space. Get input from other household members so you end up with an arrangement everyone enjoys. New furniture placement can make a space feel more open, change how natural light filters into a room, and inspire new decorative accents. Move things around and find your home’s new sweet spot!

best time to clean a house

Evening: Best Time for Relaxing Activities After Cleaning

The evening is the perfect time to tackle some relaxing cleaning activities after the major chores are done. When the sun sets and the day winds down, you’ll likely have more mental space to focus on some lighter tasks.

Decluttering and Organizing

Use the evening to go through papers, files, drawers, and closets to declutter and reorganize. Get rid of things you do not need and group similar items together. Having an organized space will make your home feel less chaotic and more peaceful at night when you’re trying to unwind.

Dusting and Wiping Surfaces

Do a quick wipe down of surfaces like tables, countertops, and shelves to remove built-up dust and grime from the day. Dust any knickknacks, lamps, or electronics. A clean space free of dust will allow you to relax, knowing your home is freshened up fully.

Sweeping and Mopping

If you have hard floors, do a quick sweep and mop in the evening. Something is soothing about clean floors at night. The fresh scent of a wood or laminate floor cleaner can make your home smell clean and inviting as you settle in for the evening.


The evening is a great time to switch over loads of laundry and fold and put away clean clothes. The simple, repetitive task of folding laundry can be an unwinding activity after a long day. Having clean clothes ready to go for the next day will give you a head start and one less thing to do in the morning.

best time to clean a house

A Few Dishes

Tackle any stray dishes left over from dinner or used for an evening snack. Leaving dishes overnight can make a kitchen feel messy and chaotic. Doing a quick wash-up will leave your kitchen clean and prevent built-up mess. Keeping on top of small cleaning tasks in the evening will help you fully relax with a sense of accomplishment. A clean home is a peaceful home, especially at night when it’s time to unwind from the day.

What is the Best Time To Clean a House

So there you have it, the best times to tackle those dreaded chores and get your house sparkling clean. While mornings may seem ideal with a fresh start and a cup of coffee in hand, for most, the evenings after work provide the perfect window to wipe away the day’s dirt and grime. A clean space equals a clear mind, so do yourself and your home a favor and set aside time each week to clean and declutter. You’ll be glad you did! If you don’t want to clean your house yourself, then book a clean with Bear Brothers Cleaning today!


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